Alien Bowl-o-Rama

Max Vecchitto
2 min readFeb 22, 2021


This week I played around with a couple ideas to learn more about Cinema 4D and Aero.

I started by making a scene with a UFO, with the goal of making it wobble a bit and approach something with a tractor beam and take off. It was relatively straight forward to create the spacecraft as it was just two assets. I then worked on the orbiting so it looked like it was wobbling a bit, and created a flight path.

The trouble came when I added the tractor beam. It worked fine on Cinema 4D, but no matter what I tried, I was not able to get it to function in Adobe Aero! I tried re-creating it multiple times, but the action of the tractor beam expanding just would not come through on the FBX file.

One other thing I want to add to this would be a person or cow for the aliens to abduct! I will update this post when that’s complete.

The other animation I did was a simple bowling scene to get to know rigid bodies and physics better in Cinema 4D. I watched a YouTube tutorial on this which was helpful in a lot of ways. It was a bit frustrating drawing the bowling pin outline, but after a while I got it to a decent place. I then used the Lathe tool to create the rounded shape of the pins. I then duplicated 9 other pins and placed then in the classic 10 pin formation.

I then worked on the bowling ball and floor and made all the objects rigid bodies, allowing gravity to be in play. I then key framed the bowling ball to move towards the pins, and then adjusted the physics to make it so that there wasn’t took much bounce off the pins, and enough force to knock over the pins.

In both scenes, I was NOT able to get the materials to export into the FBX file. I also could not figure out how to color them directly in Aero, so if anyone knows a way to fix that, please let me know!



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